Honeybee - Garden Sprinkles

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Honeybee Habitat is a wonderful mix of twenty varieties of flowers noted for their beauty and ability to attract honeybees. In cool climates, plant in spring, early summer or late fall. Fall planting should be late enough so that seeds do not germinate until spring. In mild climates, for best results, plant in fall.


  • Reusable recycled US steel tin - 18 seed varieties, growing directions, ( zones. 4–9 )
  • List Of Flowers: (1) Annual Candytuft,(2) Lance-Leaved Coreopsis,(3) Purple Coneflower, (4) Dwarf Cosmos, (5) California Poppy (6) Indian Blanket, (7) Baby Blue-Eyes,(8) Corn Poppy, (9) Rocky Mountain Bee plant, (10) Globe Gilia, (11) Lacy Phacelia, (12) Spiderwort, (13) Sweet Alyssum Tall White, (14) White Rockcress, (15) Giant Purple Hyssop, (16) New England Aster, (17) Bergamot, (18) Prairie Coneflower.
  • 2" Diam. Tin
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